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15 jan. 2023
In Turneringar och Arrangemang
Registration To register, find NW VIII on Best Coast Pairing and follow the link. If you have problems registering with the app email the Tournament Organizer (TO) @ Registration for the event ends 30/1-23. Rules regarding the single miniature painting contest and the best in show contest will be posted on Facebook at a later date. If you do not use Facebook, you can email to get the information sent over. The event is hosted at Teknikvägen 14 - “Fabriken” at Boden Business Park. Army Construction and Rules 1. Best Coast Pairing app is used for registration of results. Download the app and register a user prior to the tournament. 2. 2000 points Matched Play, 9th ed. 3. Armies must be painted to the standard of “Battle ready” according to Chapter approved Arks of omen pg. 3. This includes bases (transparent bases are excepted from this) If your army doesn't meet the required standard of painting, you will not be allowed to participate. If you are uncertain if your army meets the requirements contact the TO @ 4. Your army must be Battle Forged according to 40K rulebook p244-251 5. You must register your army list to in the BCP app no later than 7th of February. 6. Substitute models for your army must be approved by the tournament organizer no later than 5th of February. This can include but is not limited to 3D printed miniatures, self-sculpted miniatures, third party miniatures. (Email with a picture of your model and what it is supposed to represent in your army.) 7. Allowed sources: The latest version of all GW issued rule 40k sources listed below: • all GW codexes released prior to 05. 02. 2023 • latest GW FAQ and Chapter Approved books. • Match Play rules from White Dwarf prior to 05. 02. 2023 • GW Web exclusive rules prior to 05. 02. 2023 • Forge World rules rules prior to 05. 02. 2023 • Balance datasheets prior to 05. 02. 2023 • Datasheets from board games (like Dahyak Grekh from Blackstone Fortress) are used Please note that certain armies of renown have recently been removed since January. Terrain Terrain should be defined between players and adjusted before the game begins. If you're unsatisfied about the placing of the terrain on your game table or if any objective markers end up on terrain, and you and your opponent can’t agree on a new setup please contact the tournament organizers. Chapter approved 2023 Strike force missions Arks of Omen Game 1: Conversion pg. 90 Game 2: Data scry-salvage pg. 86 Game 3: Tide of conviction pg. 94 Game 4: Abandoned sanctuaries pg. 88 Game 5: The Scouring pg. 92 Chess Clock If either player wants to use a Chess Clock it must be used (if neither player wants to use a clock, neither player has to use one). When does time start? Time starts when the first pregame action or dice roll happens. When does the game end? Games end naturally depending on random game length rolls, a predetermined number of turns, or at the end of a game turn when neither player has GREATER than 2:00 minutes of time left on the clock. Rules: 1. Each player is responsible for their own time. It is a player’s right but not their obligation to make sure that their time is being handled properly. 2. In the FIGHT PHASE, starting with the player whose turn it is and following the order of unit selection rules described in the "Choose Unit to Fight With" section of the BRB, a player may always choose to decline rolling to determine the results of their selected unit’s attacks. If the controlling player chooses to save their time in this way, their OPPONENT may decide to damage the unit that declined their attacks so long as they have time remaining on their clock. The amount of damage can range from leaving the unit that declined its attacks unharmed, up to removing all wounds remaining from the declining unit. The decision to decline taking the attacks must be made before any attack rolls are made by the declining unit. 3. Any major rule dispute results in a paused time scenario. The time is to remain paused until a formal judge is called to the table and resolves the dispute. 4. If a player’s time runs out, they may not perform any more actions except for those listed below. The only exception is if they are in the middle of moving a unit, they may finish so that the unit is placed legally on the board. As an example, this can include moving a unit in the movement phase, finishing moving a unit into assault (note they will not be able to attack) or consolidating a unit. Any other action is immediately stopped. 5. If a player runs out of time, they may only perform the following actions: Making saving throws and taking a leadership test if required to. Scoring objectives that they have already achieved or already hold. The most important rule is rule number 1. This is the most important rule because it puts time in your control, and fairly allocates time while players interact. It is each player's right to pass the time to his opponent whenever they are making an action or spending time making a decision. Some examples of this are as follows: You put 20 wounds on a unit containing models with different saving throws. Pass the clock to your opponent so he can make his saving throws in the order that he chooses. Your opponent must make 3 leadership tests. Pass the clock to your opponent while he makes these tests and adjusts the units which fail. You destroy a vehicle, and your opponent has a large squad inside that he wants positioned just right. Pass the clock to him while he arranges his models. You do 5 power fist wounds and 5 regular wounds to a unit. Pass the clock to your opponent while he decides what saves to take on which models. These examples are limited but show the basic concept. You manage your own time, and it is up to you to pass the clock. If you burn your own time, it is not your opponent's fault. Schedule Dag 1 08.15 Insläpp, incheckning i BCP 08.30 Information om dagen 09.00 Match 1 (80 min/spelare) 12.00 Lunch, BIS single model målartävling ställs ut. 13.30 Match 2 (80 min/spelare) 16.30 Rösta för BIS single model 16.40 Match 3 (80 min/spelare) Dag 2 09.00 Match 1 (80 min/spelare) 12.00 Lunch 13.30 Match 2 (80 min/spelare) 16.40 Prisutdelning!
15 nov. 2022
In Allmäna Diskussioner
En naturlig knutpunkt för dialog med likasinnade kan ni finna på Warhammer North's Discord:
19 sep. 2022
In Turneringar och Arrangemang
We thank all participants and visitors of NW VII!
And we congratulate Tommy for taking home the awesome looking trophy!
And a special thanks to our friends and sponsons over at Jims spelhörna and Gilla!
Here are some pictures from the event, which was streamed live over at Twitch!
(Feel free to follow our channel for updates when we arrange upcoming events!)
16 sep. 2022
In Turneringar och Arrangemang
Northern Wastes are regularly hosting Beginners Weekends, and with an upsurge of new students at Campus over at Boden Business Park, we're considering hosting the next Beginners Weekend!
A pre-built and configured army of 750-1000 points would be available for participants to borrow on-site during the event.
Exact dates and times would be announced at a later date once we have enough interested parties.
14 juli 2022
In Turneringar och Arrangemang
Where: Boden Business Park - Fabriken. Teknikvägen 14, 961 50 Boden When: 17 September 2022
Hotel accommodation is available on the premises here. Registration To register - find NW VII in the Best Coast Pairing app and follow the link.
Registration to the event ends September 1st 2022.
If you experience problems registering with the app, email the organizer at Army Construction and Rules 1. We´re going to use BCP app for registration of results.
Download the app and register a user prior to the tournament
(for help and support contact 2. 2000 points Matched Play, 9th ed. 3. Armies must be painted to the standard of “Battle ready” according to Chapter approved War zone Nephilim GT pg. 3. This includes bases (transparent bases are excepted from this) If your army don’t meet the required standard of painting, you will not be allowed to participate. If you are uncertain if your army meets the requirements contact the TO @ 4. Your army must be Battle Forged according to 40K rulebook p244-251 5. You must register your army list to in the BCP app no later than 12th of September. 6. Substitute models for your army must be approved by the tournament organizer no later than 10th of September. This can include but is not limited to 3D printed miniatures, self-sculpted miniatures, third party miniatures. (Email with picture of your model and what it is supposed to represent in your army.) 7. Allowed sources: The latest version of all GW issued rule 40k sources listed below: • all GW codexes released prior to 05. 09. 2022 • latest GW FAQ and Chapter Approved books. • Match Play rules from White Dwarf prior to 05. 09. 2022 • GW Web exclusive rules prior to 05. 09. 2022 • Forge World rules rules prior to 05. 09. 2022 • Balance datasheets prior to 05. 09. 2022 • Datasheets from board games (like Dahyak Grekh from Blackstone Fortress) are used Terrain Terrain should be defined between players and adjusted before the game begins.
If your unsatisfied about the placing of the terrain on your game table or if any objective markers end up on terrain, and you and your opponent are unable to agree on a new setup, please contact the impartial tournament organizer. Chapter approved 2022 Strike force missions Game 1: Abandoned sanctuaries pg. 82
Game 2: The Scouring pg. 86
Game 3: Tide of conviction pg. 88
Game 4: Conversion pg. 84
Game 5: Data scry-salvage pg. 80
Chess Clock
If either player wants to use Chess Clock it must be used.
(if neither player wants to use a clock, they don’t have to)
When does time start?
Time starts when the first pregame action or dice roll happens.
When does the game end?
Games end naturally depending on random game length rolls, a predetermined number of turns, or at the end of a game turn when neither player has GREATER than 2:00 minutes of time left on the clock.
1. Each player is responsible for their own time. It is a player’s right but not their obligation to make sure that their time is being handled properly.
2. In the FIGHT PHASE, starting with the player whose turn it is and following the order of unit selection rules described in the "Choose Unit to Fight With" section of the BRB, a player may always choose to decline rolling to determine the results of their selected unit’s attacks.
If the controlling player chooses to save their time in this way, their OPPONENT may decide to damage the unit that declined their attacks so long as they have time remaining on their clock.
The amount of damage can range from leaving the unit that declined its attacks unharmed, up to removing all wounds remaining from the declining unit.
The decision to decline taking the attacks must be made before any attack rolls are made by the declining unit.
3. Any major rule dispute results in a paused time scenario.
The time is to remain paused until a formal judge is called to the table and resolves the dispute.
4. If a player’s time runs out, they may not perform any more actions except for those listed below. The only exception is if they are in the middle of moving a unit, they may finish so that the unit is placed legally on the board.
As an example, this can include moving a unit in the movement phase, finishing moving a unit into assault (note they will not be able to attack) or consolidating a unit. Any other action is immediately stopped.
5. If a player runs out of time, they may only perform the following actions:
a. Making saving throws and taking a leadership test if required to.
b. Scoring objectives that they have already achieved or already hold.
The most important rule is rule number 1. This is the most important rule because it puts time in your control, and fairly allocates time while players interact. It is each player's right to pass the time to his opponent whenever they are making an action or spending time making a decision.
Some examples of this are as follows:
1. You put 20 wounds on a unit containing models with different saving throws. Pass the clock to your opponent so he can make his saving throws in the order that he chooses.
2. Your opponent must make 3 leadership tests.
Pass the clock to your opponent while he makes these tests and adjusts the units which fail.
3. You destroy a vehicle, and your opponent has a large squad inside that he wants positioned just right. Pass the clock to him while he arranges his models.
4. You do 5 power fist wounds and 5 regular wounds to a unit.
Pass the clock to your opponent while he decides what saves to take on which models.
These examples are limited but show the basic concept.
You manage your own time, and it is up to you to pass the clock.
If you burn your own time, it is not your opponent's fault
Painting Contest
For rules regarding single miniature painting contest and the best in show contest:
These will be posted on Facebook later.
If you do not use Facebook, you can email to get the information sent over.
01 juli 2022
In Turneringar och Arrangemang
Då ett antal nya spelsätt nyligen släppts (Så som Tempest of War-korten) ser vi gärna att deltagarna är med och påverkar innehållet på turneringen.
Här finner ni en undersökning avseende detta:
07 juni 2022
In Turneringar och Arrangemang
How it will work:
Several gaming tables will be at your disposal, and multiple armies with pre-made lists will be available to choose from upon arrival.
Every table will be manned by a mentor who will guide you through your game and help explain the rules as you go along.
Simply sign up, show up - and play! Sign up form here:
(Sign ups are now closed) Edit: We want to thank everyone who showed up and helped making this event a great success!
27 mars 2022
In Showroom
Om fler än jag har fått pippi på belysning så kan jag tipsa om dessa.
Storleksmässigt är de ganska precis lika stora som ett värmeljus, och får således oftast bara plats i större fordon.
Batterier och en fjärrkontroll följer med, och ca 32 olika färger går att ställa in, inklusive pulserande och blinkande effekter.
Tyvärr verkar batterierna lida av pyspunka, och efter några veckor får man räkna med att de är tomma - även om de förblir obrukade.
Det är därför en bra idé att montera dem på ett sätt så du lätt kan byta batteri vid behov.
Undervattensbelysning - 10pack - Amazon Tyskland
27 mars 2022
In Allmäna Diskussioner
Med premiär den 7e April 2022 önskar vi Svjan-Tristan Köppe i
Älvsbyn och alla hans medarbetare lycka till i Piteå
under premiärvisningen!
Förhoppningsvis kommer filmen publiceras online inom kort.
27 mars 2022
In Turneringar och Arrangemang
Vi passar på att gratulera Mathias som tog hem segern!
Nedanför ser ni några fotografier från turneringen.
23 mars 2022
In Försäljning & Byteshandel
Har du modeller, arméer eller verktyg som inte kommer till användning längre?
Varför inte byta eller sälja bort dem?
Undvik att skriva personlig kontaktinformation i detta forum, skicka denna som personliga meddelanden istället.
Efter genomförd försäljning - editera gärna din post för att uppmärksamma att varan/varorna inte längre finns tillgängliga.
Northern Wastes ansvarar inte för användarnas beteende vid byte/försäljning på detta forum.
Sunt förnuft gäller vid all försäljning.
Foruminlägg: Members Page
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